Images of Brazil

Images from Fernando de Noronha
November 2, 2008, 4:22 am
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Fernando de Noronha

The main island has 17 km², with a length of about 10 km and a maximum width of 3,5 km. Its perimeter has about 60 km. The island is uneven, has various elevations, from which the most important are: the Morro do Pico (Peak Mount) with 323 m hight; the Morro do Espinhaço (Spine Mount) with 223 m; the Morro do Francês (Frenchman Mount) with 195 m; the Alto da Bandeira (Flag Height) with 160 m; the Morro do Curral (Farmyard Mount) with 126 m; and the Morro de Sto. Antônio (Saint Antony Mount) with 105 m.
On this island there are the historic sites (Vila dos Remédios, Vila da Quixaba, ruins of the Forts of São Pedro do Boldró, of Sto. Antonio, of N.Sª da Conceição and Parque de Sant’Ana), the civilian residential villages, the village of the Flight Protection Department, the Airoport, the day nursery, the School, the Hospital, the Tubarão Power Station, the Piraúna Water Treatment Station, the Desalination Station, the Garbage Treatment Station and the Telephone services. Part of this island is a National Marine Reserve since 1988 and there is a division identified as Environmental Protected Area – EPA with about 8 km² and PARNAMAR / FN Area with 112,7 km², which comprises the marine portion up to a sea depth of 50 m (isobathic). Around this bigger island other small islands, cliffs and islets constitute the praised landscape by scientists and troubadours. They are the SECONDARY ISLANDS and today it is known that all of them were binded together, forming only one block. They were separated along million of years due to the marine erosion. Click on the links below to know each of these islands.

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